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3 Things to Check Before Your NC Vehicle Inspection

How to Prepare for your NC Vehicle Inspection 

Are you due for your next North Carolina annual vehicle inspection? You never have to be worried about passing your inspection when you have the Chapel Hill Tire experts on your side. While our professionals are skilled in completing advanced vehicle inspections and the repairs needed to pass them, here are three things you can do to prepare your vehicle.

Address Check Engine Lights

If you have any warning lights triggered in your vehicle, it is always best to immediately correct the problems they signify. Not only do these issues often present a significant threat to your engine, but they can also prevent you from passing your annual vehicle inspection. A professional mechanic can help you detect any concerns that may prevent you from passing your inspection and complete the needed repairs. 

Am I Exempt from Emissions Inspections?

Before you go in for your annual vehicle inspection, you might consider checking whether or not you also need an emissions inspection. This is currently required in 22 NC counties (including Wake County) and has the capacity to extend to others moving forward. However, there are potential exemptions for NC emissions inspections, even in the counties that require them. These exemptions include:

  • Certain light-duty vehicles less than three years old or that have fewer than 70,000 miles
  • Vehicles manufactured before 1995
  • Diesel-operated vehicles
  • Vehicles that are registered as a farm vehicle

If you are still not sure whether or not you need an emissions inspection, ask your professional mechanic for insight. They will ensure that you have everything you need to renew your license plate tags each year. 

Check Your Car’s Safety Features

The primary function of the annual NC vehicle inspection is to ensure that your vehicle poses no threat to you or any other driver on the road. To stay safe on the road, you need (at the very least) functioning brakes, headlights, and turn signals. If you are well versed in examining and repairing these elements of your vehicle on your own, you should take a look before your inspection. If not, no worries! These issues are easy for your professional mechanic to detect and fix so that you pass your inspection without trouble. 

Where Can I Get an Annual Vehicle Inspection?

Are you looking for local, convenient inspection services? The experts at Chapel Hill Tire are available in eight Triangle-area locations, so you can access our inspection services from almost anywhere. This includes our soon-to-open Chapel Hill Tire location at Crabtree Valley Mall. At this location, you can get your shopping done while our experts complete your vehicle inspection. Here is the full list of where you can find Chapel Hill Tire inspection services:

Chapel Hill, NC

Durham, NC

Raleigh, NC

Carrboro, NC

With our quick and affordable inspection services, our vehicle experts can help get you on your way. Schedule an appointment or contact your local Chapel Hill Tire location to get started today!

About the Author

Marc Pons

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