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Are Your Brakes Ready for the Winter Season?

How Does Cold Weather Affect Brakes?

While your brake health is important year-round, worn brakes can be especially dangerous during the winter season. Because your brakes are essential to keeping you safe while on the road, the New Year is an ideal time to check your brake pads. Is your car ready for the cooler weather? 

How Do Brake Pads Work?

Have you ever wondered how your vehicle can go from traveling at 70+ miles per hour to a complete stop at just the touch of your foot? This outstanding process is made possible by your vehicle’s braking system. The purpose of your brake pads is to provide the friction that it takes to slow and stop vehicular movement. Most brake pads are made of buffer material and durable metals like steel. When you press your foot to the brakes, your brake pads press against the turning rotor, which then slows and stops the wheels. Over time, this friction wears down on your brake pads, which is why they need regular replacements to stay in good working order. When there is little to no material left on your brake pads, your braking system does not have the buffer it needs to smoothly and effectively slow and stop the turning rotors.

How Frequently Do I Need New Brakes?

The cadence of brake pad replacements depends largely on your vehicle usage, your braking patterns, your tires, and the brand of brake pads you have. Your need for new brake pads can also be impacted by the climate of the area you live in, the road conditions, and the season. Generally, a brake pad begins with about 12 millimeters of friction material. You should have them replaced when 3 or 4 millimeters remain. For a more general estimate, the average brake pad change should happen every 50,000 miles. If you need help gauging whether or not you are due for new brake pads or getting your replacement completed, contact the experts at Chapel Hill Tire. 

Brake Function During Winter Weather

The colder weather and challenging road conditions can be especially taxing on your braking system. Because it is more difficult to slow and stop on icy roads, your brakes have to work harder to operate successfully. This can cause your system to wear more quickly in the winter. During the colder seasons, it is especially important that your brakes are in good health for these same reasons. Ignoring brake pad issues can result in damage to your braking system or can cause you to get in an accident when your vehicle has a difficult time stopping. This is why regular brake inspections and brake pad replacements are essential for keeping your vehicle functioning as it should and keeping you safe while on the road. 

Visit Chapel Hill Tire

If you are in need of new brakes to prepare for the winter weather, visit the experts at Chapel Hill Tire! With 8 Triangle-area locations, our professional mechanics proudly serve Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. Schedule an appointment with the Chapel Hill Tire specialists today to get started!

About the Author

Marc Pons

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