How to Protect Your Car and Tires from Summer Heat

summer car care

During the summer, you need your car working at its best for road trips, vacations, or just rides around town. While the summer is a great time to take your car out on the road, the heat can be dangerous to your car. Instead of risking heat-related break-downs, you can follow a few car summer maintenance tips to keep your car in great shape all summer long.

4 Car and Tire Maintenance Tips for the Summer

Whether it’s your engine, tires, fluids, or battery, heat can seriously strain your car’s most important parts. Fortunately, receiving some inspections and maintenance services can protect your car from the heat. Review our top four summer car maintenance tips below:

1. Have Your Fluids Checked

Your car uses several fluids to stop different systems from overheating. If you haven’t had your fluid levels checked recently, your levels could be low, meaning some of your car’s systems might be at a higher risk of overheating.

To make sure your car has the right fluid levels, a mechanic should check your car’s coolant, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, windshield washer fluid, and brake fluid. When the mechanic refills your fluids, they should only use a fluid type your vehicle’s manufacturer recommends.

2. Inspect the Battery

In the summer, the heat can be hard on your battery. Since the heat will raise the temperature under your vehicle’s hood, your battery will corrode faster. Alongside the higher risk of corrosion, water can evaporate your battery’s liquid electrolyte. Both of these issues can shorten the battery’s life and lower its capacity.

Since the heat can be dangerous for a battery, it’s important a mechanic inspects it. At a service location, a mechanic can look for corrosion on or near the battery. If they find corrosion, they may be able to clean it, but sometimes they’ll need to replace your battery depending on the severity of the corrosion. They should also check your battery to make sure it has enough charge for the summer.

3. Check Your Vehicle’s Tire Pressure

Just like your car’s fluids and battery, the heat can affect your tire pressure. While cold weather can lower your tire pressure, the summer heat will cause air molecules in your tire to spread out and move faster. As a result, the air molecules can cause your tires to over-inflate. High temperatures also mean your tires will generate more heat while you drive, increasing the risk of your tires bursting.

To protect your tires from overinflating and potentially bursting while you’re driving, take your car in for an inspection. During this inspection, a mechanic will check your tire’s pressure and let any excess air out of them. By keeping your vehicle’s tire pressure at the right levels, you’ll lower the risk of a burst tire stranding you on the side of the road. You can also make sure your tires stay at the right pressure by regularly using a tire pressure gauge to check them.

4. Schedule an Oil Change

When your driving in the summer, the high temperatures raise the risk of your engine overheating. As your engine heats up, it will reduce your oil’s viscosity and make it thinner. Without the right viscosity, your engine won’t have enough lubrication and will generate more friction. This friction can then overheat your engine.

Though the summer can affect your car’s oil, you can keep your vehicle in great shape by scheduling an oil change. During an oil change, the mechanic can use a more viscous oil to reduce the risk of your oil thinning to unsafe levels. They can also fill the oil to your car’s max to better protect the engine from overheating. You should also know that if you get an oil change from Chapel Hill Tire, it will include a tire air pressure check and fluids level inspection, ensuring your vehicle is ready for the summer.

Schedule a Summer Car Maintenance Appointment at Chapel Hill Tire

If you’re looking for car service near you in the Triangle area, Chapel Hill Tire can help. With our 11 Triangle-area locations and experienced mechanics, we’re confident we can prepare your car for the summer heat. Our mechanics can change your oil, inspect your vehicle, refill fluids, and perform any maintenance services you need. Before you drop off your car for service, check our current promotions to see how much you can save. When you need maintenance or an oil change, schedule your appointment today!

5 Signs Your Car Needs Bulb Replacement or Headlight Service

headlight service near me

Some vehicle lighting issues are impossible to miss, while others can be “out of sight, out of mind”—until they cause a problem. As a critical part of your car’s safety, it is essential to keep your vehicle lights in working order. Our local mechanics are here with five signs you need light service. 

1. Unusual Beeping Sounds

Are you noticing your turn signal making an unusual beeping sound? This sound could be your car’s way of letting you know your indicator bulb is out. The burnt-out bulb will send an irregular current through your system, causing it to beep faster. This helpful change of pace lets drivers know it is time for turn signal bulb replacement. 

2. Trouble Seeing on the Road

Naturally, your headlights should help you see the road clearly at night. In some cases, a headlight bulb will give out all at once. In other cases, your headlight problems can onset gradually—making the issue harder to spot. However, if you are experiencing difficulties seeing on the road at night, have your headlights inspected by a local mechanic. You can find information about five reasons your headlights may be dimming here

3. Road Rage and Driving Mishaps

Most drivers can go several days, weeks, or even months without hearing another car’s horn beeping at them. However, even the most careful drivers can seem reckless or inconsiderate when driving with a broken safety light. 

For example, while you might always use your turn signal properly, other drivers will not see it with a burnt-out bulb. In these cases, a well-indicated turn can seem unexpected to the driver behind you. If you find yourself confused by the responses you are getting on the road, take a moment to check your lighting for issues. 

Additionally, your vehicle lights are installed to promote safety and prevent accidents. Naturally, when one of your lights is out, you might find yourself experiencing close calls on the road. However, a close call can quickly become a full-blown car accident without prompt service. This danger is why it is essential to have faulty bulbs replaced as soon as possible. 

4. Routine Vehicle Lighting Checks

The easiest way to determine if you have a vehicle lighting problem is to check for issues manually. This inspection is easy to do on your own—and even easier with a friend. With your car parked in a safe location, initiate your headlights, turn signals, and reverse lights one at a time. Have your companion let you know if they’re working effectively. 

The process is similar when working on your own, except that you will have to do both roles—turning on each light, exiting your car, and checking its performance. The only bulbs that can be challenging to see independently are your reverse lights. To check your reverse lights on your own, you have a few options:

  • Set up your phone’s camera to record your vehicle in reverse. 
  • Turn on your parking brake and put your vehicle in reverse. Double-check to ensure your parking brake is working to prevent vehicle movement before exiting your car to check the reverse lights. 
  • If all else fails, ask a mechanic to check your reverse lights. They will do this for free—and it takes just a few moments. 

5. Failing Your Annual Car Inspection

As mentioned above, your lights are a vital car safety feature. As such, all safety lighting must work effectively to earn a pass on your annual car inspection. Drivers may fail the inspection for a burnt-out turn signal, brake light, tail light, or headlight. You can read our guide to everything checked during your car’s safety inspection here

Other Car Lighting Issues

If you don’t find a burnt-out bulb, you might have another vehicle underlying issue. Let’s take a look at some reasons your car’s lights might not be working—even with well-functioning bulbs:

  • Lens issues: Your lenses are made of professional-grade acrylic. This material allows your lights to shine through while thoroughly protecting the bulb. However, the sun’s UV rays can oxidize the acrylic over time, making your lenses foggy, yellow, and opaque. A headlight restoration service carefully removes the oxidized layer of your lenses to improve your light visibility. 
  • Wiring issues: In other cases, your vehicle lighting issue could be caused by a wiring mishap. This issue is especially probable if you recently attempted DIY lighting or electrical solutions. A professional mechanic can find and repair the wiring issues to restore your light’s functionality. 
  • Power troubles: While gas cars are powered by fuel, their electrical elements (like the lighting) will rely on the battery and alternator. Depending on your lighting type and vehicle, your car lights might start dimming as an early indicator of battery failure. Click here for our guide to the four most common signs you are due for a new car battery
  • Vehicle configurations: It is worth double-checking to ensure your lights are turned on to your preferred setting. While it might seem obvious, it is easy to flip a switch or change your settings without realizing it. In the rare case that your car’s lights are turned off rather than broken, this quick check can save you an extra trip to the mechanic. 

Local Car Bulb Replacement and Headlight Service

When your car has lighting troubles, the local mechanics at Chapel Hill Tire are here for you. You can bring your vehicle to one of our 11 Triangle-area locations—or let us come to YOU with our pick-up and delivery service. We welcome you to make an appointment or give us a call to get started today!

Understanding the Timing of Routine Tire Services

New tires from Chapel Hill Tire

Nobody likes dipping into savings for a new set of tires. However, you can make the most of your tires and delay replacement with routine maintenance. How often should you have your tires serviced? What kind of services do your tires require? The local mechanics at Chapel Hill Tire are here with insight. 

How Often Do I Need My Tires Rotated?

Answer: Most vehicles require tire rotations every 5,000 to 8,000 miles or every six months. 

Your ideal tire rotation schedule will depend on a few factors, including your driving frequency, local road conditions, tire quality, and driving patterns.

Front tires experience extra friction with every twist and turn on the road. Additionally, the front of your car tends to carry a more consistent weight from the engine. Collectively, these factors cause your front tires to wear out more quickly than your rear tires. By regularly rotating your tires, you can help them wear more evenly. 

When Should I Replace My Tires? 

Answer: When the tread depth reaches 2/32 of an inch of thickness or when your tire otherwise indicates replacement needs. There are three circumstances when you need to get your tires replaced: 

  • Worn tire tread: Once your tires reach 2/32 of an inch of tread depth, you will need a new set installed. The low tire tread will leave your car vulnerable on the road—delaying braking and challenging your handling. You can read our complete guide to tire tread depth here
  • Old tires: Old rubber is stiff, leading to tire blowouts and catastrophic car accidents. In fact, other countries have banned tires with rubber older than ten years. You can read our complete guide to tire age here
  • Other tire damage: Extreme punctures, sidewall damage, and other tire issues can require replacement—regardless of tire age or tread depth. 

When Do I Need Tire Patching Service?

Answer: As-Needed

You only need tire patching service when your rubber has been punctured by something like a nail, screw, or another road hazard. There are a few ways to tell when you need this service, including:

  • Consistently or unusually low pressure in a single tire
  • Visible signs of a puncture (such as the sight of a nail in your tire)
  • A tire that won’t stay inflated
  • Poor fuel economy

Most tire patching services are quick and simple. However, you will need tire replacement services if the damage is beyond a minor puncture. 

Please note that tires can be incredibly challenging to patch on your own. Thankfully, with Chapel Hill Tire’s Drive Happy Advantage, tire patching services are free for all tires purchased in our shops. 

How Often Should I Have My Tires Aligned?

Answer: As-needed

You only need your tires aligned when they are thrown off-center. Misalignment can be caused by rocky terrains, suspension changes, and rough driving patterns. You might need a tire alignment if you notice your steering wheel shaking or pulling to one side of the road. 

When Do I Need Tire Balancing Service?

Answer: By manufacturer recommendation. 

Much like tire alignment, most cars only need balancing service when an issue arises. However, some tire manufacturers recommend having your tires balanced once a year or at specific intervals. A mechanic will use small weights to even the load distribution of a tire/wheel to ensure smooth and even rotation. 

How Often Should I Inspect My Tires?

Answer: Every month 

Experts will inspect your tires during every routine service visit. However, there is no such thing as checking your tires too much. Whether daily, weekly, or monthly, taking a quick glance at your tires can help you catch problems early and prevent more significant issues. Look for:

Tire Services Near Me at Chapel Hill Tire

When your tire needs service, our local mechanics have you covered! We proudly serve the greater Triangle area with 11 locations across Cary, Apex, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Durham. We invite you to make an appointment or call us to get started today! 

4 Common Reasons Cars Fail the Annual Safety Inspection

Annual NC vehicle Inspection

Annual vehicle registration renewal can sneak up on drivers. When the DMV notice arrives in the mail, you may worry that your vehicle will fail its safety inspection. Thankfully, these inspections are easy to pass—especially with the right help on your side. Our local mechanics are here to help with the most common causes of safety inspection failure (and their solutions). 

1. Burnt Out Bulbs

As many manufacturers switch to LED bulbs, burnt-out vehicle lighting is becoming less common. However, this is still a top driver of car inspection failure. Why? Lighting encompasses several inspection checkpoints. To pass your NC inspection, you will need to ensure that all of your lights are working, including:

Most commonly, these issues are caused by a burnt-out bulb. Traditional incandescent lights will require a simple replacement service. However, you might need more advanced mechanic support if an LED light burns out. 

2. Tire Tread Wear

While they can seem more relevant to function than safety, your tire tread supports your braking and handling efforts. Drivers struggle to slow down, stop, and manage their vehicles without the tire tread depth needed to grip the road. Worn-out tires can pose severe safety threats—especially during inclement weather. 

Additionally, certain tire hazards can cause a full blowout, often causing devastating accidents. As such, the safety inspection requires your tires to be within the legal tread limit (2/32 of an inch thick). Your mechanic will also check for any unusual wear and tear, like bumps, bulges, and knots. In any of these cases, you will need tire replacement service to pass your safety inspection. 

3. Worn Out Break Pads

Brakes are perhaps the most well-known safety feature. Unless you drive a hybrid or electric vehicle (which often have regenerative braking systems), your vehicle will require regular brake service to pass your NC safety inspection. Most frequently, worn brake pads are the culprit of inspection failure. Your brake pads must be at least 1/16 of an inch thick to pass. For worn-out brake pads, a simple replacement service will help you pass.

4. Tattered Windshield Wipers

Part of your safety inspection is ensuring your vehicle is ready for inclement weather. Windshield wipers are essential for clearing rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation. This vital safety feature also helps remove any bugs, dirt, pollen, or debris that may impact your vision on the road. As such, they must be in good working order to pass your safety inspection. 

However, your windshield wipers can begin to tatter or become ineffective over time. The rubber blade must flush evenly against your windshield to work correctly. With exposure to the elements, this rubber breaks down and oxidizes, causing degradation. Thankfully, this issue requires a simple wiper blade replacement service to avoid inspection failure.

Other Causes of Inspection Failure

As the name suggests, safety inspections only check your car’s safety features. As such, items like a check engine light or missed oil change will not cause failure. However, there are a few other ways to fail your NC car inspection, including:

  • Extremely discolored headlight lenses—often require headlight restoration service. 
  • Broken or loose mirrors (including both side mirrors and your rearview mirror)
  • Steering system issues
  • DIY window tinting that does not meet the legal requirements
  • Issues with your car horn—including horns that are too quiet or too loud
  • A stolen catalytic converter or other exhaust issues
  • A failed emissions inspection (unless exempt)

You can read our full checklist of everything examined during an annual NC safety inspection here

Safety and Emissions Inspections Near Me: Chapel Hill Tire

When you are due for your inspection, visit the local mechanics at Chapel Hill Tire. We proudly serve the greater Triangle area with 11 locations across Durham, Cary, Apex, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. Our professional mechanics provide safety inspections, emissions inspections, trip checks, and any services you need to pass. We invite you to make an appointment or give us a call to get started today! 

Windshield Wiper Replacement: How You Know It’s Time

streaky windshield wipers

Windshield wipers are often an overlooked part of our vehicle maintenance, but they play a crucial role in maintaining our safety on the road. A clear and unobstructed view of the road is essential for safe driving, especially during adverse weather conditions

Windshield wipers offer increased visibility clearing rain, snow, and debris from your windshield. Over time, wiper blades become worn, resulting in streaks, smears, and overall reduced effectiveness. This can hinder your ability to see clearly, especially during heavy rain or snowfall, putting you and your most precious cargo at risk.

4 Signs That Show You Need Wiper Replacement:

Knowing what to look for can help you identify the right time to change your worn-out windshield wipers—before you get caught in adverse weather or fail your State Vehicle Inspection.

  1. Streaking or Smearing: If your wipers are leaving streaks or smears on the windshield, even after cleaning, it’s a clear indication that the blades have deteriorated and need replacement. 
  2. Skipping or Chattering: If the wiper blades skip across the windshield or make a chattering noise, it’s a sign of worn-out rubber, reducing their effectiveness.
  3. Uneven Wiping: Keep an eye out for areas on the windshield that remain unwiped or have reduced coverage. Uneven wiping is an indication that your wiper blades are bent or worn enough to no longer make proper contact with the glass.
  4. Cracked or Split Rubber: Every few weeks, inspect the rubber portion of the wiper blades for cracks, splits, or missing chunks. Damaged rubber blades can’t effectively clear the windshield, compromising visibility.

5 Easy Steps to Replacing Windshield Wipers:

Windshield wipers replacement is one of the easier vehicle maintenance items to keep up with. Follow these 5 simple steps from the auto repair experts at Chapel Hill Tire

  1. Determine the Correct Size: Before purchasing new wiper blades, measure the length of the existing blades or consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual for the appropriate size.
  2. Purchase the Right Blades: Visit an auto parts store or contact your local car service experts, like Chapel Hill Tire in Raleigh, to purchase high-quality wiper blades that match the size and specifications recommended for your vehicle.
  3. Remove the Old Wiper Blades: Lift the wiper arm away from the windshield and locate the small tab or button where the blade connects to the arm. Press or slide it to release the old blade and carefully remove it.
  4. Attach the New Wiper Blades: Align the new wiper blade’s connector with the hook or pin on the wiper arm. Gently press the blade until it clicks into place. Ensure that it is securely attached.
  5. Test the New Blades: Lower the wiper arm back onto the windshield and turn on your vehicle’s wiper system to check the new blades’ functionality. Confirm that they are wiping smoothly and providing a clear view.

Windshield Wiper Replacement at Chapel Hill Tire

Maintaining clear visibility while driving is crucial for your safety and the safety of others on the road. If your windshield wipers are showing signs of wear or if it’s time for a replacement, don’t delay. Contact Chapel Hill Tire, your local car service experts in Raleigh, for professional windshield wiper replacement

Our experienced technicians can ensure that you have high-quality wiper blades installed correctly, giving you the confidence to face any weather conditions.

Whether you’re in Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Chapel Hill, Apex, or Carrboro, you can stop by, make your appointment online, or call us to get started today!

Everything You Need to Know About Flat Tire Repair

Picture of a flat tire

The dreaded discovery of a flat car tire can throw off your entire day. Thankfully, flat tire repair is often within reach. Our local mechanics are here with a complete guide to flat tire repair and when you might need a replacement instead.

What Causes A Flat Tire?

Flat tires can be caused by a variety of hazards—both on the road and internally within your tire. Road hazards include nails, screws, potholes, and car accidents. Internal tire hazards include old rubber, leaky valve stems, and bent rims. Even external factors, like cold weather, can play a role in your tire pressure. As such, you might need to take a closer look at your wheel to determine the cause of a flat—or consult a local professional for insight. 

How Do I Repair A Flat Tire?

If your flat is caused by failing internal components, it simply cannot be repaired. Instead, you should switch it out with your spare and visit your mechanic for a new tire. However, if your tire needs to be patched, there are four simple steps to this repair:

  1. Find the Puncture: First, you must locate the source of the problem. If you are at home wondering, “Do I have a nail in my tire?” consider spraying soapy water on the rubber. Slow air release will cause the solution to bubble up, directing you to the tire puncture. 
  2. Remove the Puncture: Next, you must carefully remove the puncture source without causing any additional damage. 
  3. Patch the Hole: Then, you must patch the tire. Unfortunately, tire rubber is tough and thick, making this process easier with the right tools and experience. 
  4. Refill the Tire: Finally, refill the tire with air to the recommended PSI—as indicated by your Tire Information Panel. This step requires an air compressor on hand, which is another reason to visit your local mechanic for flat tire repair. Here is our 5-step guide to refilling tires with air

Specialty tires may need an extra step. For example, Tesla tire patching services require mechanics to remove a small layer of the interior foam to make room for repairs. 

Do I Need A New Tire After a Flat?

The answer here will depend on the cause of your flat tire. If your flat tire is caused by something as simple as a nail in your tire, a professional can easily patch it without requiring a new installation. But conversely, if your flat tire is caused by old rubber, interior, tire, damage, or more severe issues, it will need to be replaced.

How Can I Prevent Flat Tires?

In some cases, flat tires simply cannot be avoided. However, there are some steps you may take to limit your risks, including:

  • Avoid potholes when it is safe to do so. 
  • Plan your route to avoid road construction or roads with poor conditions.
  • Report potholes in your area—it is the only way these will get fixed. 
  • Avoid veering into the shoulder of the road unless necessary. This area is where many nails, screws, and other puncture hazards rest. It is also easier for these things to sit upright when they rest on the shoulder. 
  • Replace old tires. Even when the tread is thick, old rubber is prone to blowouts—risking costly accidents. In fact, tires more than ten years old are illegal in other countries. Click here to read more about the dangers of aged tires.
  • Inspect your tires regularly for signs of wear, aging, and damage. 
  • Keep your tires properly inflated to minimize your risk of flats, blowouts, and damage. 

What Should I Do When I Have A Flat?

You might be wondering, “Is it safe to drive with a flat tire?” The short answer is no—you should not drive on a flat. You risk creating an accident and damaging your wheel or rim. 

Instead, you should switch out your flat for the spare. Then, bring your damaged tire to a local mechanic to see if it can be repaired. However, if your tire is maintaining most of its inflation with just a slight puncture, you may be able to drive with caution to your local mechanic at your own risk. 

Should I Repair A Tire On My Own?

Flat tire repair often requires expert support. As mentioned above, some of these steps will require professional tools or experience. DIY solutions can damage your wheels, scratch your rims, or worsen the puncture. Additionally, your professional repair might be free of charge—making this a more cost-effective route. Let’s take a closer look at some potential coverage options. 

Does Insurance Cover Flat Tire Repairs?

Depending on the cause of your flat tire and the nature of your policy, your service might be covered. Additional coverage might also be available from other sources. Let’s take a look at four potential coverage options:

  • Mechanic Coverage: A local mechanic may include tire insurance or service for each new tire you purchase. For example, under the Drive Happy Advantage, our experts offer free tire patching services for the lifetime of every tire purchased from our shop. Our complimentary service follows the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association’s standards for puncture and repair procedures in passenger and light truck tires. You can also take advantage of free lifetime tire rotations, inflations, and more. 
  • Manufacturer Coverage: If you had a tire blowout caused by a manufacturer defect, you might be eligible for payment—especially if you have a newer tire. Check to see if your tire manufacturer has released any recalls. If not, you should report the problem to the manufacturer and record details about your defective tire in case a recall is issued later. 
  • Government Coverage: Did a pothole cause a tire blowout or flat? In some cases, you might be entitled to repair reimbursement from the government. However, there are a few select requirements here. 1) The pothole must be on a public road. 2) Someone must have filed a formal report about the pothole. 3) The government must have had reasonable time to fill it before you incurred damage. If all of the above is true for your incident, you may be eligible for coverage. 
  • Insurance Coverage: Most insurance policies will not include coverage for a flat tire. Additionally, tire patching service is relatively affordable. Meanwhile, filing a claim may raise your rates—costing you more long-term. However, if your flat was caused by an accident or created more significant damage, it might be covered under eligible policies. 

Free Tire Patching Service at Chapel Hill Tire

Flat tires are easy to fix for our drivers! We provide free patching services for all tires bought here at Chapel Hill Tire. Our new Drive Happy Advantage includes this coverage, available in our 11 shops across Durham, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Apex, and Cary. We invite you to make your appointment here online or call us to get started today! 

7 Tire Buying Benefits From Local Mechanics

Here at Chapel Hill Tire, we genuinely care about our drivers and treat them like family. The Drive Happy Advantage is one way we show how much we care. This free plan protects every tire you buy from the mechanics at Chapel Hill Tire. Learn more about the seven unique advantages you can expect when purchasing your new tires from our local experts under the Drive Happy Advantage. 

1. The Price Beat Guarantee

Have you ever gotten a tire quote and wondered, “Am I getting the lowest price possible?” The answer to this question is almost always no. You can get a lower price by bringing your eligible competitor’s quote to Chapel Hill Tire. With our Price Beat Guarantee, we will beat all competitor tire quotes by 10% of the difference in pricing—ensuring our customers always get the best price on new tires. 

2. Free Lifetime Rotation and Balancing

Tire rotation and balancing services are vital to the health and longevity of your tires:

  • Tire balancing ensures a smooth and comfortable ride by evenly distributing the weight of your tire. This service improves safety by enhancing vehicle handling and stability, prevents uneven tire wear, and extends the overall lifespan of your tires.
  • Rotations help ensure all of your tires wear evenly. If your car is FWD, your front tires will face accelerated wear as your wheels turn to navigate your vehicle. Regular rotations help ensure your tires stay protected. 

You can have each of these services completed for free for the lifetime of your tires with the Drive Happy Advantage. 

3. The 30-Day Ride Comfort Guarantee

Buying a new set of tires can feel like a big commitment. Our local mechanics are here to ensure that you enjoy your new tires without the stress. We offer a 30-day ride comfort guarantee. If you find your new tires don’t feel right, you can return them within 30 days. 

4. Free Pressure Checks and TPMS Light Resets

Low tire pressure can lead to decreased fuel economy and increased tire wear. While some drivers have the resources to easily check and refill tire pressure on their own, other drivers might have an easier time with expert support. Thankfully, the Drive Happy Advantage has you covered! When you buy your tires from our local experts, we will provide lifetime free pressure checks, refills, and TPMS light resets. 

5. Annual Risk-Free Alignment Evaluation

Notice your steering wheel shaking? Perhaps one of your tires is wearing out more quickly than the others. These are all signs of wheel alignment issues. Tire alignment is easy to disrupt—and it quickly creates costly tire damage. As such, our local mechanics will give our customers an annual risk-free alignment evaluation under the Drive Happy Advantage. 

6. Free Lifetime Flat Repairs*

Even brand-new, high-quality tires are susceptible to punctures and flats. Unfortunately, puncture-causing road hazards can be everywhere. Screws, nails, and fasteners can fall off work trucks or get left behind by construction crews working near roadways. When a nail gets stuck in your tire, it can be incredibly difficult to remove and patch. 

Solutions like “Fix a Flat” are more accessible for drivers to DIY, but they can potentially damage the Tire Pressure Monitoring System and other wheel components. Instead, most drivers turn to professional flat repairs. In these cases, an expert will remove the nail or screw and apply a professional-grade patch. When you buy from Chapel Hill Tire, this service is free for the lifetime of your tire. Chapel Hill Tire follows the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association’s puncture and repair procedures for passenger and light truck tires. 

7. Free Brake Inspections and Fluid Top-Offs with Rotations

Each time you visit for your free tire rotation, you can enjoy free engine fluid top-offs and brake inspections. Let’s take a closer look at these free services:

  • Free Brake Inspections: Your braking system is essential to keeping you safe on the road. When our mechanics are rotating your tires, they will take the time to inspect your braking components. Are your brake pads within the legal limit? Are your calipers getting warped? If so, our mechanics will notify you of the needed services so that you can avoid potential danger on the road. 
  • Fluid Top-Offs: Your engine relies on a variety of specialized fluids, including transmission fluid, radiator fluid, power steering fluid, and so much more. Our mechanics will get underneath the hood to top off each of these components for free during your complementary rotation service. 

More Ways to Drive Happy™

The Drive Happy Advantage is just an extra perk on top of our already exceptional tire buying experience. Let’s look at some other ways you can Drive Happy™ when you buy your tires at our local mechanic shop:

  • Tire Finder: Chapel Hill Tire makes it easier than ever to buy your tires online. Our Tire Finder tool lets you view all of the tires compatible with your vehicle. Compare prices and features—all risk-free without having to provide any contact information until you are ready to buy. 
  • Pick-up and Delivery: If you don’t have time to get your new tires installed, we will come to YOU with our pick-up and delivery service. 
  • Pay by Phone: We accept a variety of payment options and even let drivers pay over the phone. This means no waiting in line to pay once your vehicle is serviced. 

Affordable New Tires Near Me: Chapel Hill Tire

With the Drive Happy Advantage, you can buy new tires with confidence at your local mechanic shop. These services are part of what sets Chapel Hill Tire apart from the rest. We proudly serve the greater Triangle area with 11 locations across Durham, Cary, Apex, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. We invite you to make an appointment or give us a call to get started today! 

Trailer Hitch Installation FAQ

Bike rack connected by a trailer hitch

As summer picks up again, we are seeing drivers come in with questions about trailer hitch installation. While we addressed some of these concerns in last year’s installation FAQ, our local mechanics have a new round of answers to your most popular questions. 

What Is The Point Of Trailer Hitches On Small Cars?

When we think of trailer hitches, we often also think of trailers (it is in the name, after all). However, there are many different trailer hitch accessories—many of which can be especially helpful for smaller vehicles. 

Compact cars need to be more creative about their exterior utility—and a trailer hitch provides an essential tool for this objective. Some of the advantages of trailer hitches on small cars include the following: 

  • Small cargo trailers
  • Bike racks
  • Overhead cargo stabilizing
  • Camping and convenience accessories

…and so much more! You can read her complete guide to trailer hitches for compact vehicles here.

Are Trailer Hitches Becoming Less Common?

You might wonder, “Why didn’t my truck or SUV come with a trailer hitch?”

More and more frequently, we are having drivers come in because they find their brand-new car does not have a pre-installed trailer hitch. So, why don’t new cars, trucks, and SUVs come with trailer hitches? There are a few potential culprits:

  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Unfortunately, this is not too surprising—given the rise of inflation, product shortages, and other supply chain disruptions that have not yet recovered from the pandemic. 
  • Cost Efficiency: It is often quick, convenient, and affordable for car manufacturers to sell vehicles without products that can be easily added on later. So, items like trailer hitches and car floor mats are less commonly included with new vehicles. 
  • Loss of Incentive: Additionally, trailer hitches are often not a selling point in vehicle sales. For trucks and SUVs, many buyers assume the car will have a hitch—not bothering to check before closing the deal. In other cases, drivers focus on more prominent features—like radio tech, active safety, heated seats, and newer conveniences—often not noticing the missing hitch. Because they are not deal breakers (and drivers might not see they’re missing), manufacturers do not have any incentive to include them. 
  • Compact and Smaller Cars: As mentioned above, trailer hitches can be incredibly useful on smaller vehicles. However, since smaller cars are not explicitly expected to tow, they more often do not come with trailer hitches installed.

How Long Does Trailer Hitch Installation Take?

With professional tools and expertise, trailer hitch installation is a quick and easy service. However, the exact time estimate will depend on a few factors, including:

  • The type of vehicle you have
  • Whether or not you have an old hitch that requires removal before installation
  • How rusted your mounting frame might be
  • The type of hitch compatible with your vehicle
  • And whether or not your hitch requires wiring—such as those in trucks and heavy-duty SUVs. This wiring is essential—allowing the brake lights of large cargo trailers to function. 

Additionally, your total appointment time will depend on any other services you book. You can ask your mechanic for a time estimate if you schedule by phone. Drivers in a time crunch might consider booking a pick-up and delivery service or a shuttle appointment. These offerings will allow you to go on with your day at work or home while your vehicle is serviced. 

Where Can You Get A Trailer Hitch Installed?

A local mechanic with trailer hitch expertise and equipment can seamlessly install a trailer hitch for you. You might wonder, “Should I get my trailer hitch installed at the car dealership?” However, many drivers find this to be a dead end for a few reasons:

  • First, your manufacturer may not produce factory trailer hitches—making it unlikely that the dealership service department will have any in stock. Meanwhile, a local mechanic can complete same-day hitch installation. 
  • Unlike mechanics, dealership service appointments are often associated with long wait times and delayed appointment scheduling. 
  • You can access an added convenience at mechanics—such as with pick-up and delivery service. 
  • Finally, dealership service departments are known for this high pricing and a lack of transparency. 

Trailer Hitch Installation Near Me

When you’re ready to kick off your summer adventures, visit your local Chapel Hill Tire for trailer hitch installation services. We can replace your rusted trailer hitch or install a new one—even if your vehicle has never had one before. 

Our local mechanics also offer all the services you need to ensure your car is protected on your summer adventures. From trip checks to catalytic converter shields and routine maintenance—we have you covered! So, we invite you to make an appointment here online or give us a call to get started today! 

Introducing Chapel Hill Tire’s Newest Durham Location

Person handing keys to the mechanic

Chapel Hill Tire is proud to open the doors to our newest location: Chapel Hill Tire of Durham—(formerly Durham Tire – Hillsborough Street). While we have been serving the Durham community through our Woodcroft Shopping Center location and 10 other convenient shops around the Triangle, we are excited to make our world-class mechanic service more convenient for Durham drivers. You can read more about our new Durham location below, or visit us today to get started. 

A New Level of Car Service in Durham

At Chapel Hill Tire, our values help us stand out from other mechanic networks. We are committed to helping you Drive Happy™ by treating our customers and staff like family. These values are reflected in our quality of care and our services—which offer a wide range of benefits you won’t find anywhere else. 

Benefits of Our Local Durham Mechanic Network

We go above and beyond for our drivers. When you visit our Durham technicians, you can unlock next-level benefits and conveniences, including:

  • Price Beat Guarantee: If you are interested in getting the lowest price on your new tires in Durham, you have come to the right place. With our Price Beat Guarantee, Chapel Hill Tire will beat any eligible competitor’s price by 10% of the difference. 
  • Mobile Car Wash and Detailing: Our mobile car detailing experts will come to YOU to complete our industry-leading car wash and detailing service at your Durham home or office. You can even include add-on maintenance services, like cabin air filter change, for exceptional car care at your door. 
  • Free Pick-up and Delivery: We get it—life gets busy, and you might find yourself without the time you need to visit a mechanic. Instead of forgoing the care you need, Chapel Hill Tire will come to you with our Pick-up/Delivery Service. A qualified professional will pick your car up from your Durham location and bring it back to our Hillsborough Street shop. After we give it the care and attention it deserves, we will bring your car back to you. Please note that your car must be in drivable condition to qualify for this service. 
  • Service Warranty: Our 3-year/36,000-mile service warranty backs qualifying Chapel Hill Tire services, helping you Drive Happy™ with trusted care on your side.
  • Transparent Pricing: Many mechanics hide their service costs for a reason. This practice can leave drivers shocked when they are handed a bill. Chapel Hill Tire is upfront about our pricing because we have nothing to hide. We work with you and carefully review all prices before completing your service to keep our car care transparent. 
  • The Drive Happy™ Advantage: When you buy your new tires from Chapel Hill Tire in Durham, you are protected by the Drive Happy™ Advantage. This advantage includes our Price Beat Guarantee, 30-day ride comfort guarantee, free lifetime rotation and balancing service, free lifetime flat repairs, free pressure checks and TPMS light resets, annual risk-free alignment evaluation, free brake inspections with rotations, and free fluid top-offs with rotations. Please note that we follow the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association’s puncture and repair procedures for passenger and light truck tires.
  • Comprehensive Service Offerings: Make the most of each visit to the mechanic at Chapel Hill Tire – Durham. You can have your oil changed and your car detailed in the same visit. All the car services you could want or need are here in one place. 

Our Durham Mechanic Services

You can expect industry-leading car care each time you step through our doors here at Chapel Hill Tire in Durham. Let’s take a closer look at the service you can expect from our Hillsborough Street mechanics. 

Routine Car Services

Our experienced Durham technicians offer all of the routine services your car needs on a regular basis, including:

  • Local car inspection services
  • Tire service (repair, rotation, or refills)
  • Worn brake pad replacement
  • Car battery replacement
  • Oil change in Durham
  • Engine maintenance flushes
  • Transmission fluid change
  • Brake fluid replacement
  • Power steering fluid flush
  • Cabin and engine air filter replacement
  • Wheel/tire alignment 
  • Headlight bulb replacement

Specialty Car Services

Our local mechanics hold a wide variety of specialties in our experience, services, and knowledge. Combined with our advanced in-house equipment, Chapel Hill Tire’s mechanics on Hillsborough Street provide innovative services, including:

Visit Chapel Hill Tire in Durham

Visit Chapel Hill Tire’s newest mechanic location for all your car care needs in Durham. We look forward to expanding our mechanic family and serving drivers across the greater Triangle area with our Hillsborough Street location. You can make your appointment or give our Durham mechanics a call to get started today!

Our News: Mobile Car Wash and Detailing Discounts, and a New Location in Durham

Spring is here, and you know what that means: Warmer weather, flowers in bloom, barbecues in the backyard, and… Pollen. Specifically, that filmy golden layer of pollen that shows up on your car day after day, threatening to cloud your windshield and damage your paint job.

And sure, you could break out the hose and a bucket of soapy water in your driveway. But with our new Mobile Car Wash and Detailing service, you can free up your time without having to go out of your way to get your car looking shiny and new. It’s just another way that we’re looking to serve our communities and customers better, by bringing the car wash to you.

Download the New App and Save

We’ve come a long way since the first automated car washes were invented in 1940s Hollywood — so far in fact, that you can now book a car wash from the comfort of your couch, and have our experienced detailing technicians come right to you.

That’s all made possible by our new Chapel Hill Tire app, which you can download here.

“But what’s the catch?”, you might be thinking. That’s just the thing: There isn’t one. 

By booking through our app, you’ll get the same great wash and detail services that Chapel Hill Tire has on offer in-store, at no extra cost. And for a limited time, we’re actually making the deal even better, with a $20 discount off your first in-app purchase using code CARWASH323.

We offer the same selection of car wash and detailing packages as you’ll find in stores, covering everything from a basic wash and shine to an in-depth detailing where we’ll smooth out light scratches and enhance the gloss on your paint.

One of our customers’ favorite ways to use this new service has been while they’re at work. Set up an appointment the day before, drive your car into work, and while you’re busy at your desk our technicians will come by and spruce it up for you. By the time five o’ clock rolls around, you’ll be able to walk into the parking lot and head home in your freshly cleaned and detailed car.

Our new mobile car wash service also makes for a great gift. You can buy any of our four available packages as a gift certificate, and give someone in your life the gift of a squeaky-clean car for birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays.

To learn more about this new service, check out our complete guide to mobile car wash and detailing services at Chapel Hill Tire. And if you’re ready to schedule your first appointment and get your $20 discount, don’t forget to download the app today!

But There’s More: New Location Opening in Durham

We’re also proud to announce the opening of our newest store! Located in the former Durham Tire location on Hillsborough Road, this brings our total number of Triangle area shops to 11. Now you can get the service you’ve come to know and love in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Cary, and Apex. 

Or if you’re short on time, we can take care of things with our free pickup and delivery, or our mobile car wash and detailing services. That’s just part of our commitment to innovating new ways of getting you and your car the care and service you need.