How to Know When it is Time to Replace Your Car Battery

Charging Car Battery

4 Signs It Is Almost Time For a New Battery

Have you ever been in a hurry to get to work or school on time only to find that car won’t start? While jump-starting your car may get you to work, it is best to get your battery replaced before any issues can arise. This is why it is helpful to know when your battery is on its way out. Here are four signs that you are almost due for a new car battery, brought to you by the mechanics at Chapel Hill Tire.

1) Your Battery Struggles to Combat Seasonal Challenges

As the North Carolina heat begins picking up, you might start to notice your battery reacting adversely to these changes. This occurs when the heat begins evaporating the water in your battery’s internal fluids. This evaporation also can cause internal battery corrosion.

In the winter, your battery’s chemical reaction slows down—draining the life out of our battery—and your vehicle requires more power to start due to slow-moving engine oil. Newer batteries can manage harsh weather conditions with ease, but a battery near the end of its lifespan will begin to struggle in extreme climates. Here is our guide to getting your car moving during the cold weather so you can make it to a mechanic for a replacement. 

2) Your Car Has Been Sitting For Too Long

If you leave your vehicle for an extended trip out of town, it could have a dead battery when you return. Your battery is heavily impacted by your driving patterns. While you might think that driving frequently negatively impacts the health of your battery, the opposite is often true. Your battery recharges while you drive, which means leaving your vehicle sitting for an extended period of time could deplete its charge. If you have chosen to quarantine out of town and left your vehicle sitting idle, consider asking a roommate, friend, or neighbor back home to make sure it gets a spin around the block every once in a while to protect your battery.

3) Your Vehicle Struggles When Starting

Have you noticed your engine taking longer to crank than it normally would? Perhaps the lights begin to flicker or you hear an unusual noise when you turn the key? These are all indicators of imminent battery failure. Before your car has a chance to fail you, consider bringing your vehicle to an expert for a starting system inspection or a battery replacement.

4) Your Battery Is Older and Triggers a Dashboard Light

Wouldn’t it be easier to tell when you needed a battery replacement if your car gave you a sign? Thankfully, most cars do just that. Your dashboard battery light is designed to illuminate when your vehicle senses a battery or starting issue. When all else fails, you can also rely on the age of your battery to provide an estimate of when it may need to be replaced. The average car battery will last three years, though this could be affected by your battery brand, vehicle type, area’s climate, car care, and driving patterns. 

Alternative Starting and Battery Problems

Are you experiencing starting issues after getting a battery replacement? Is your new battery dying prematurely? Are you having a hard time safely jump-starting your car? These are signs that your issue exists beyond a dead battery:

  • Alternator Issues: Your car’s alternator is responsible for recharging your battery while you drive. If your battery dies soon after the replacement, you could have an alternator issue.
  • Bad Battery: Alternatively, a battery that dies soon after replacement could be a sign of a faulty battery. While this is rare, it is not unheard of. Thankfully, you will likely be covered by a warranty if you visit an expert mechanic. 
  • Drained Battery: Are you keeping your battery protected? Leaving lights on or chargers plugged in could be killing your car battery. 
  • Starter Problems: As the name suggests, your car’s starter is responsible for starting your vehicle. If there is an issue with your starter, your vehicle will not crank up, even with a full battery. 

Starting tests and vehicle diagnostics can be completed to detect the source of your vehicle issue. A mechanic will then work with you to develop a repair plan that will get your car working again.

Chapel Hill Tire Battery Replacement and Care

If you are experiencing battery issues, contact the experts at Chapel Hill Tire. Our shops are open to serve the needs of Triangle-area residents, and our mechanics are completing curbside service and free pickup and delivery to protect the health of our customers and our employees. Additionally, if you are worried about driving your vehicle with a compromised battery, our mechanics will come to you! Make your appointment here online with Chapel Hill Tire to get the new battery you need in Raleigh, Apex, Chapel Hill, Cary, Durham, or Carrboro today!

5 Tips for Shopping for New Tires

Tire mechanic at work

When the traction on your tires become worn and they begin losing their structure, you could be putting yourself in danger on the road. The average set of tires lasts 6-8 years, but this timeline can depend on the type of tires you have, the road conditions in your area, your driving patterns, and other variables. When it is time to invest in your next set of tires, consider these 5 shopping tips to get the right tires for you at the lowest possible price. 

Evaluate Your Tire Needs

You might be surprised to find how many different types of tires are out there. Before buying new tires, think about what kind of features best suit your needs. If you live in the north, you might consider buying winter tires. If you are looking for ways to upgrade your driving experience, you might want to invest in performance tires. Off-roading vehicles might require all-terrain tires. Make sure that you are making the most out of your tire investment by considering your tire needs and your preferred features.

Find the Right Tire For You

While you might think that your vehicle needs dealership tires, you can find the same tire for a better price when buying from a trusted distributor. Consider checking out the different tires available for your vehicle and shop around based on features, price, and quality. You can use a Tire Finder tool to view tire options tailored to your vehicle and your driving preferences.

Shop Around for Estimates

When it comes to buying tires, you might consider gathering a few different estimates. When you find the lowest price, you can beat it with a Price Beat Guarantee. Bring our experts a lower competitor price on new tires and Chapel Hill Tire will beat it by 10%. This gives you peace of mind that you are getting the best price on new tires when you buy from our specialists. 

Speak With A Tire Expert

Buying a new set of tires is a big step; you should feel comfortable and confident about your purchase. If you have any questions, concerns, or hesitations about new tires, speak with an expert before buying. They can help you determine whether or not you need new tires right now and give you peace of mind that you are buying the right tires for your car at an unbeatable price. 

Consider Tire Protection

When you invest in a new set of tires, it is important that you take the necessary steps to protect them. Many tire manufacturers include a warranty that will cover you if you get a faulty tire; however, you will not be covered if you fall victim to a pothole, road damage, or a fender bender. Instead, you could get stuck paying for new tires all over again. Tire protection plans will provide a tire replacement or repair if your new tires get damaged.

Where to Buy New Tires | Chapel Hill Tire

When you are ready to buy your new tires, the experts at Chapel Hill Tire are here for you. Our professionals will guide you through the tire buying process. We will also help you get the lowest price possible with our Price Beat Guarantee and available tire coupons. Our eight mechanic locations make it easy to help drivers throughout the Triangle, including those in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. Browse our Tire Finder and make an appointment online with our experts to get started today!

Vehicle AC Services: Keeping You Cool This Summer

Woman turning on car air conditioning

Has your car’s ac stopped working? As the spring heat begins ramping up, it is important to get your car ready. Here are 5 AC services that can keep you comfortable throughout the warmer months to come. 

Cabin Air Filter Change

Your cabin air filter keeps dirt, pollen, and other hazards out of your vehicle when you run your air conditioner. However, when your cabin air filter becomes old and dirty, it can slow or block the cool air from entering your car. It also makes your car’s AC system work harder than it needs to, which can cause larger issues down the road. An air filter change can improve your cabin air quality, boost the function of your car’s AC, and protect the longevity of your car’s air conditioning system. 

AC Performance Check and Diagnostics

Are you wondering if your air conditioner could be working better? An AC performance check will give experts a chance to evaluate how your AC is doing. If there is a problem, a professional can perform diagnostics to pinpoint where it is coming from. They will then work with you to you arrive at a plan to get it repaired.

AC System Recharge and Refrigerant Flush

Your car’s air conditioning requires proper refrigerant levels for adequate function. When your refrigerant leaks, your AC function will be immediately impacted. During an AC system recharge, an expert will work to solve both the source of this problem and its symptoms by finding and repairing the leak and replenishing your refrigerant levels.

A specialist will begin by injecting an ultraviolet dye into your air conditioning system. This will help them detect where the refrigerant is leaking. Once the leak has been located and repaired, your mechanic will use special equipment to remove all of the old refrigerant from your vehicle and replace it with fresh refrigerant to repair and replenish your car’s AC system.

Vehicle Air Conditioner Cleaning

When you notice an unusual smell when running your car’s AC, there could be mold or bacteria in your air. This often builds up on your evaporator when the drain tube becomes blocked, leaving water trapped in your system. Blocked drain tubes can impact your AC function and damage your system over time. An expert can clean your drain tube and your evaporator to return the function of your AC and eliminate the moldy smell.

Air Conditioning Part Repair and Replacement

Like most vehicle systems, your AC has several different components that all need to be in good working order for your AC to function properly. This includes your—

  • AC Evaporator
  • AC Thermal Expansion Valve
  • AC Condenser
  • AC Compressor
  • AC Accumulator or Drier

If there is an issue with any of these parts of your AC system, it will need to be professionally repaired or replaced before your system can function properly.

Chapel Hill Tire vehicle AC Services

If your car’s air conditioning unit is not working as it should, bring it to the experts at Chapel Hill Tire. Our professionals know the ins and outs of vehicle air conditioning and can get your unit working in no time. Make your appointment at any one of our eight Triangle-area locations to get started today!

Can Any Mechanic Work on a Hybrid? 

Green Car | hybrid Toyota vehicle

When you drive a hybrid, you know that your car has some unique perks and care requirements. So what does that mean when it comes to vehicle maintenance, repairs, and services? Can just any mechanic work on a hybrid? While a standard mechanic will probably not turn you away, you will get the specialized care you need from a hybrid certified mechanic. Learn more here about the service that your hybrid needs.

Hybrid Battery Repair and Replacement

Hybrid batteries are unlike the standard car battery, as they are powerful enough to supplement fuel usage and recharge every time you brake. This also means that they require a special level of battery service and attention. Here is a look at how hybrid batteries are different from standard batteries:

  • Power, size, and care: Unlike the standard car battery, a hybrid battery is much larger and more powerful. For mechanics without the right hybrid experience, this can make it dangerous to service, challenging to replace, and easy to damage. 
  • Cost: Because they are much larger, longer-lasting, and powerful batteries, hybrid replacements tend to be pricier than standard car batteries. 
  • Replacement cadence: Thankfully, hybrid batteries are usually under warranty for a minimum of 100,000 miles. Newer hybrid vehicles may even have battery warranties that meet or exceed 150,000 miles. Depending on your driving patterns and vehicle maintenance routines, this should last you several years longer than a standard car battery.
  • Inverter: Your hybrid car has an inverter, which converts your vehicle to relying on gas when your battery is low on charge. Quality battery service also involves inspecting and tuning up the inverter when it needs care.

To keep your hybrid battery warranty intact, you may need to maintain proper hybrid vehicle care from a certified technician.

Hybrid Electrical Service

Powerful batteries also means careful electrical service for hybrid vehicles. Mechanics need to take extra precautions when working with hybrids because many of them are designed with auto-start and shutoff systems. This system is built to preserve your battery life, but it can also strain your transmission and starting system. A hybrid auto-start system combined with a powerful battery can spell trouble for an inexperienced mechanic completing electric services. 

A hybrid expert will also know how to keep an eye on your electric drive motor to ensure that your vehicle has what it needs to properly run on the power of your battery.

Standard Vehicle Services

In addition to specialty hybrid care, you will need to tend to standard vehicle maintenance services to keep your hybrid working as it should. 

  • Oil changes – While your battery dependence may put a little less strain on your engine, your hybrid vehicle will still need regular oil changes.
  • Tire services – Tire refills, rotations, and replacements are the same for hybrid vehicles as they are for standard vehicles. 
  • Fluid refills and flushes – Fluid flushes and refills are staples for every vehicle. However, depending on your hybrid, your fluid flush needs and level refills may be different from the standard vehicle. Speak with an expert or consult your owner’s manual for insight on fluid level care. 
  • Air filters – Your hybrid vehicle will still need standard air filter replacements and cabin filter replacements as a part of your care routine. 

Despite needing standard services, your car will still benefit from a mechanic who knows the ins and outs of hybrid vehicles.

Hybrid Brakes – Regenerative Braking and Care

Hybrid vehicles have regenerative brakes, which absorb the energy it takes to stop your vehicle and use it to recharge your battery. Thanks to regenerative braking, hybrid brakes are built to last much longer than standard brakes. However, if an issue does arise, your vehicle will require expert care by a professional familiar with hybrid regenerative brakes. 

Chapel Hill Tire Hybrid Care and Replacement

If your hybrid vehicle is due for service, bring it to the experts at your nearest Chapel Hill Tire location. Our professionals are hybrid certified and ready to serve hybrid vehicles in Raleigh, Durham, Carrboro, and Chapel Hill. Make your appointment here online to get started today!

3 Signs Your Brakes Need Service

Spot Bad Brakes

Having the ability to slow and stop your vehicle on the road is not an option. Your brakes are necessary for keeping you and others safe, making it essential you give them the care they need to properly function. Here is a closer look at how brakes work and signs that they need service.

How Do Brakes Work?

While you might not give your brakes a second thought, they play an astonishing role in the driving experience. Your brakes control a large, heavy vehicle moving at rapid speeds to a slowed pace or a complete stop with just a little bit of time and slight pressure from your foot. To understand brake issues, it is important to first understand how your braking system works to make this happen. 

When you press the brake pedal, the master cylinder begins to release hydraulic fluid (often just called brake fluid) into the calipers (or wheel cylinders). The hydraulic fluid amplifies the pressure of your foot, giving you the power to slow and stop your vehicle. Your brake system is also designed to use leverage to amplify this pressure. 

This causes the brake calipers to lower your brake pads to the rotors (or discs), where they apply the pressure you need to stop. The friction material on your brake pads absorbs the heat and pressure of this exchange to safely slow the moving rotors. Each time you brake, moderate amounts of this friction material wears away, which is why your brake pads need to be replaced regularly. 

Each of these systems is held together by several small parts, and each needs to be in proper function for your brakes to work as they should. So how do you know when it is time for brake service? Here are the top three signs.

Noisy Brakes – Why Are My Brakes Squeaking?

When your brakes begin to make a squeaky, grinding, or metallic sound, this means that they have worn through the friction material on your brake pads and are now rubbing directly against your rotors. This can begin to damage and bend your rotors, leading to a shaking steering wheel, ineffective stopping, and squeaky braking. Replacing both your brake pads and rotors are much more expensive than replacing just your brake pads, which is why it is important to get this service done before it can cause any damage. 

Slow or Ineffective Braking

If you notice that your vehicle is not as effective when slowing or stopping as it used to be, this is a key sign you need brake service. The time it takes for your car to slow or stop can depend on your tire health, your vehicle size, the road conditions, the pressure you apply, your brake health, and more. However, the National Association of City Transportation Officials reports that the average vehicle is manufactured with the ability to make a complete stop within 120-140 feet when traveling at 60 mph. If you notice that it takes an extended amount of time or distance to make a complete stop, you may need new brake pads, brake fluid, or another type of brake service. Without proper service, you will leave yourself prone to accidents and safety hazards. 

Brake Warning Light

When your brake warning light comes on, this is a clear sign that you may need service. Your brake light may be scheduled for routine notifications or actively monitoring and reporting issues with the health of your brakes.  However, if your car is measuring your needed brake service by mileage, it may be inaccurate. If you drive long distances with minimal stopping, your brakes will experience less wear than a driver in the city, where traffic and lights cause frequent, heavy stops. If you heavily rely on your brakes, keep an eye on their wear, as you may need service before your warning system gives you a heads up. Here is our full guide to understanding when brake pad replacements are needed.

Popular Brake Services

While you might assume that a braking problem is a sign of a needed brake pad replacements, your braking system is a bit more complicated than that. Several different parts and systems are working together to safely slow and stop your vehicle. Here is a look at the common brake services that you may need to resolve your braking issues. 

Front Brake Pad Replacement

Your front brake pads often take the hardest hits in your braking system, meaning that they require frequent care. 

Rear Brake Pad Replacement

Depending on your vehicle type, your rear brake pads often do not work as hard as your front brake pads; however, they still are essential to your vehicle and need to be replaced regularly.

Brake Fluid Flush 

Hydraulic fluid is needed to give your vehicle the power to stop. If your brake fluid has become worn or depleted, you may need a brake fluid flush

Rotor Replacement 

If you have a damaged or bent rotor, it will need to be replaced so that your brakes can safely stop your vehicle. 

Brake Part Replacement or other services

When even a small part within your braking system becomes damaged, lost, or ineffective, it will need to be repaired or replaced. While these services are less commonly needed, you could have a problem with your master cylinder, brake lines, calipers, and more. 

For a closer look at why your brakes are not working or what kind of service is needed, bring your vehicle in for an expert’s take. 

Chapel Hill Tire Brake Service

If you a brake pad replacement, brake fluid, or any other brake service in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Carrboro, or Durham, visit the experts at Chapel Hill Tire. Unlike other mechanics, we offer brake service coupons and transparent prices. Our experts will have you in, out, and on your way in no time. Make an appointment here online to get started with your Chapel Hill Tire brake service today!

Our People – Presleigh Anderson

In It For The Long Haul

Meet Presleigh Anderson, she hopes to know you for many years (and quite a few cars, too!)

Presleigh Anderson had been a Service Advisor at Chapel Hill Tire for a little over a month when she found herself saying something unexpected for any 19 year old, “This is the place I want to retire.”

A few years down the line, Presleigh still stands by that.

“I love where I’m at, I love the people I work with,” Presleigh said. “I want to retire here.” 

And Chapel Hill Tire would love to make that wish a reality. “She is a model worker who has stood out from the very beginning of her career here,” said company president Marc Pons. 

“Presleigh came to us through a partnership with Wake Technical Community College, where she had been in the Automotive System Technology program. Her drive and talent impressed Jerry Egan, the director of our program with Wake Tech.”

According to Pons, Egan told him, “I’ve got somebody I think is really special.”

Just as Presleigh stood out to Chapel Hill Tire, she was already interested in the values-driven company after noticing them at career fairs. 

“The values drew me in,” Presleigh said. “They were easy to read, to the point, and involved both the company and the employees.”

For a young professional looking for a place to start their career, that made all the difference. 

Pons, who values the energy young workers bring to Chapel Hill Tire, said the company’s values attract millennials because they show that we’re a family, a place where you can belong. And Presleigh experiences that everyday. 

“I didn’t appreciate the values as much until I saw everyone actually living them,” Presleigh said. 

And for Presleigh, living the core values was already a part of who she was. Winning as a team. Striving for excellence. All of these stand out to Presleigh as essential qualities of any good person. 

“The easiest way for me to live our values,” said Presleigh, “is to genuinely care about our customers and my team.”

And that genuine caring among team members is a two-way street. Compared to her past experiences that pushed her away from the technical work she originally wanted to do, Chapel Hill Tire helped her look at her strengths and find the best place to start her career. 

“They were all open-ears and they appreciated my view,” Presleigh said. “Instead of judging me, they helped me figure out where I want to go.”

Since then, Presleigh has been promoted to Parts and Service Coordinator, a position where she finally gets to show off her technical knowledge and skill. 

Chapel Hill Tire continues to support Presleigh’s professional growth by paying for her to take accounting and business classes at Wake Tech. 

“We have to invest in our people,” Pons said. “Giving people more opportunity is part of how we live our values. Our partnerships with local community colleges is one of the ways our people gain the knowledge to take on new roles, and so we continue to expand those, as well.” 

And for Presleigh, Chapel Hill Tire supporting her through more classes is just another reason she knows she’s in the right place. 

“I look at this as my career,” Presleigh said. “I see my future as striving for excellence.”

Presleigh’s goal is to one day have a Chapel Hill Tire location of her own and be able to support her own staff the way Pons and the whole team has done for her. 

And, no matter how much CHT expands, Presleigh is confident that the core values will continue to make it feel like family. 

“With the amount of good people that are out there who would fit in here,” Presleigh said. “It’ll be a really big family.”


5 Reasons Your Low Tire Pressure Light Came On

Man inflating a tire - tire inflation services for low tire pressure

Low Tire Pressure Causes and Solutions

It is essential to keep your vehicle’s tires inflated. Poorly-inflated tires can put the health of your rims and tires at risk, lead to poor performance on the road, and make your fuel efficiency plummet. So why did your low tire pressure light come on and what can you do about it? The experts at Chapel Hill Tire are here with insight.

Tire Pressure Problem 1: Nail in Your Tire

It is common for nails to get kicked up on the road and puncture your tire. When your tire finds a nail in the road, it will begin to gradually let out air, which will cause your low tire pressure light to come on. Thankfully, a nail in your tire is easier to fix than you might believe.

Solution 1: Affordable Tire Service

An affordable tire service may be all you need to get your tires up and running. Experts can easily repair the damage created by a nail in your tire. During this vehicle service, a professional will remove the nail logged in your tire and patch the hole. They will then refill your tire’s air levels, getting you back on the road in no time. 

Tire Pressure Problem 2: Bent Wheels or Rims 

If you are experiencing low tire pressure on top of other driving issues, you may have a problem with your wheel structure or a bent rim. When a wheel or rim is bent, it has the capacity to let the air out of your tires. Beyond just low tire pressure, these issues can even cause severe damage to your tires and create larger problems if left unattended to. 

Solution 2: Wheel Straightening or Rim Repair

Wheel or rim service can get your tires back in good shape. An expert can safely and easily repair bent rims or wheels. This vehicle service will restore your tire’s ability to maintain air pressure and provide other benefits like improved driving experience, better fuel economy, and enhanced performance on the road. 

Tire Pressure Problem 3: Due for a Tire Refill

This is perhaps the most common and simple tire pressure issue. The tire light, first and foremost, serves as a reminder for when your regular tire refills are needed. If your tire pressure light has recently come on, you may need to bring it by for a refill. 

Solution 3: Tire Refill

It is important not to underfill or overfill your air pressure, as these are both common causes of flat tires. For a safe and effective tire refill, you can use a gauge or visit an expert. You might even be able to score a free tire refill when you bring your vehicle in for a different service. For example, tire pressure cadence often aligns with your needed oil changes. If you get your oil changes at Chapel Hill Tire, our experts include a tire pressure check with each oil change.  If you are looking to refill your tire pressure on your own, here is our guide on finding all of the information you need to know about your tires—including recommended tire pressure (PSI).

Tire Pressure Problem 4: Temperatures Changes

When the temperature outdoors changes, it can impact the air density in your tires. While this is not necessarily a problem, it is something you should keep an eye on. This is particularly relevant during the colder months. The cold temperatures cause your tire air to lose density, which will contribute to tire deflation. Warmer temperatures, conversely, may help boost the inflation in your tires (which is okay as long as they do not become overinflated).

Solution 4: Reinflating Tires

If the temperatures have caused you to lose tire pressure, you simply need to bring it in for a refill. An expert will give you some room for safety to account for fluctuating temperatures. Your vehicle should alert you of tire pressure changes with the temperature; however, it is still something to keep in mind during times of extreme weather. 

Tire Pressure Problem 5: Old, Worn Tires

When your tires reach the end of their lifecycle, they will not retain air as they used to. There are a number of different factors that can contribute to the deflation of an old tire. If your tires are old, have been used extensively, have worn tread, and are having trouble keeping air pressure levels up, it may be time for a tire replacement.

Solution 5: Tire Replacement

If you are in need of new tires, the experts at Chapel Hill Tire can help you find the best price on the tires you need. We offer a Price Beat Guarantee, which lets us beat any competitor price you may find that is lower than our own. 

Tire Service, Repair, and Replacement

The experts at Chapel Hill Tire are here for all of your service, repair, and replacement needs. Visit one of our nine Triangle-area locations in Apex, Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. Our professional mechanics also commonly serve nearby communities, including KnightdalePittsboro, Wake Forest, Hillsborough, and Morrisville. We are offering a pick-up/delivery service to safely meet all of your tire needs. Contact our service experts today to schedule your appointment.

Why are my Headlights Foggy? Headlight Restoration Insight

Bright headlights - headlight restoration

Functioning headlights are essential to your vehicle’s performance and your safety on the road. What do you do when you are having a hard time seeing at night? Here is a quick guide to foggy, dim, or yellowing headlights and what you can do about them. 

Why Do Headlights Become Foggy?

Your car’s headlights are made of acrylic, a material that oxidizes when exposed to UV rays (such as those produced by the sun). Manufacturers make headlights with a protective coating that prevents this oxidization; however, the coating wears off over time. When the headlights oxidize, the clear acrylic acquires a foggy, yellowish tint. 

Your headlights may also accumulate a thick layer of buildup the longer they are on the road. They can acquire an opaque coating of chemicals, dirt, and other hazards. This will dim the brightness of your headlights and cause them to become increasingly ineffective. 

Cleaning Headlights

Once your headlights become ineffective, it is essential to get them restored as soon as possible. You may find DIY headlight restoration options; however, this vehicle service is best left to the experts. DIY headlight restoration provides a “bandaid” treatment instead of a solution, and can they leave your headlights in worse condition long-term. 

Headlight treatments are abrasive, and they must be done carefully to avoid damaging your lenses. Some DIY treatments (such as using bug spray) can temporarily clean your headlights. but they are known for damaging your paint with harmful residue runoff during rainy days. Additionally, when you complete this abrasive treatment but do not follow it with a professional sealant, the headlights will quickly yellow again, especially now that the layer beneath the surface is exposed without the proper protection.

How Headlight Restoration Works

So how do experts complete headlight restoration? First, using professional-grade materials, specialists will carefully remove the outer layer of oxidation and grime present on your lenses. This will eliminate the damaged components of your headlights while preserving the rest. They will then extensively clean and polish your headlights, restoring them to their former brightness. Finally, they apply a heat seal that will keep your headlights clearer for longer by preventing oxidization and material buildup.

Importance of Headlight Restoration

If your headlights are foggy or ineffective, they will undoubtedly impact your visibility on the road. This can lead to accidents when you are driving at night, through tunnels, or during inclement weather. Additionally, when your headlights are dim, it is more difficult for other drivers to see you, leaving you more vulnerable to mishaps.

Headlight restoration can make your headlights seem brand new and give you the visibility you need to keep yourself and others safe on the road. 

Headlight Service: Replacement Bulbs

If your headlights are not foggy or dirty but you still cannot see well, you might have a dead or dimming bulb. On top of posing risks to your safety, this issue can earn you a ticket or cause you to fail your next vehicle inspection. While the cost varies slightly depending on your vehicle and the lights needed (one headlight, both headlights, brake lights, and more), this essential vehicle service is quick and affordable. You can even find a vehicle service coupon to help with the cost. Contact your mechanic to see how much a headlight bulb replacement service will cost you. 

Chapel Hill Tire Headlight Restoration

If you need a professional headlight restoration, contact the experts at Chapel Hill Tire. Our professionals offer elite headlight repair and restoration services in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham, and Carrboro. Our curbside service or pickup and delivery options can have you safely and conveniently on your way. Schedule your appointment to get started today!

Now Available
Curbside Service

chapel hill tire store in raleigh

To protect our customers and community during the current crisis, we are now offering curbside service to anyone who would prefer to not come into our lobby. 

It’s easy to use:

  1. Visit our online appointment scheduler 
  2. Under “Select Appointment Type,” choose “Curbside Service”
  3. Complete the form to make your appointment – be sure to list your cell phone number in your Contact Information, so we can communicate by text
  4. Once your appointment is booked, we will send a text to let you know that your information has been loaded in our system
  5. Reply to our text when you arrive for your appointment
  6.  A service advisor will come to your car to check you in
  7. We will keep you updated via text as we service your vehicle
  8. When your service is complete, we will send a text-to-pay notification to your cell phone, so you can pay by phone.
  9. A printed copy of your final invoice and your keys will be in your car when you pick it up

If you must or would prefer to stay at your home or office, we are also offering Free Pickup & Delivery service.

Additional steps we are taking to keep you safe

  • Our staff are washing their hands often.
  • Techs are required to wear latex gloves on every vehicle and will change them often.
  • Advisors are required to wear latex gloves and change them often.
  • Customer keys are wiped down before dropping in RO pouches.
  • Techs are to use steering wheel covers on all vehicles. (When available)
  • Techs are to use disinfectant to wipe down steering wheel, shifter knob, and door handles before and after working on each car. (When available)
  • Wipe down all surfaces and door handles as often as possible, at least hourly in the showrooms.
  • All customers are to be offered text-to-pay as the primary form of payment. 
  • Weather permitting, we will prop open your front doors, so you don’t have to touch handles.

This is a critical time for our entire community to work together to prevent this from becoming an even greater crisis. If you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay at home and wait until you are well to have your car serviced. We will be here, grateful to greet you when you are feeling better.

Thank you for continuing to support Chapel Hill Tire and all local businesses during these very difficult times. As you know, the situation is very fluid. We will continue to monitor and try all measures to keep you and our team safe during this crisis.


Marc Pons


Chapel Hill Tire

Now Available
Free Pick Up and Delivery

Free Pickup and Delivery at Chapel Hill Tire

To protect our customers and community during the current crisis, we are now offering free pick up and delivery to anyone who would prefer not to leave their home or office.

It’s easy to use: 

  1. Visit our online appointment scheduler
  2. Under “Select Appointment Type,” choose “Pick Up and Delivery”
  3. Complete the form to make your appointment – be sure to list your cell phone number in your Contact Information, so we can communicate by text
  4. Please wait for a confirmation email confirming our ability to service you on the date and time requested
  5. Your confirmation email will let you know when our driver will arrive at your location; please have keys in your vehicle at that time; we will pick up your car and bring it to Chapel Hill Tire for service
  6. We will keep you updated via text as we service your vehicle
  7. When your service is complete, we will send you a text-to-pay notification, so you can pay by phone.
  8. Our driver will return your vehicle to your location; your keys and a printed copy of your final invoice will be inside

If you prefer, we are also offering Curbside Service.

Additional steps we are taking to keep you safe

  • Our staff are washing their hands often.
  • Techs are required to wear latex gloves on every vehicle and will change them often. 
  • Advisors are required to wear latex gloves and change them often. 
  • Customer keys are wiped down before dropping in RO pouches. 
  • Techs are to use steering wheel covers on all vehicles. (When available)
  • Techs are to use disinfectant to wipe down steering wheel, shifter knob, and door handles before and after working on each car. (When available)
  • Wipe down all surfaces and door handles as often as possible, at least hourly in the showrooms. 
  • All customers are to be offered text-to-pay as the primary form of payment. 
  • Weather permitting, we will prop open your front doors, so you don’t have to touch handles.

This is a critical time for our entire community to work together to prevent this from becoming an even greater crisis. If you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay at home and wait until you are well to have your car serviced. We will be here, grateful to greet you when you are feeling better.

Thank you for continuing to support Chapel Hill Tire and all local businesses during these very difficult times. As you know, the situation is very fluid. We will continue to monitor and try all measures to keep you and our team safe during this crisis. 


Marc Pons


Chapel Hill Tire