During the holiday season, we cherish the spirit of giving at Chapel Hill Tire. Nothing brings us more joy than contributing to our community. At Chapel Hill Tire, we are committed to reciprocating the kindness our community has bestowed upon us. That’s why, throughout the month of December, Chapel Hill Tire celebrated members of the local community through the return of a holiday tradition: 12 Days of Kindness.

“Every December, we’ve always looked for ways to give back to the community and try to bring our customers into the process. It started with us partnering with local food banks and offering our customers $10 off oil changes if they brought in a can of food,” said Marc Pons, co-owner of Chapel Hill Tire. “We started exploring new ways of giving back to the community… Then during Covid, we renamed it the 12 Days of Kindness — because we thought the world could use a little more kindness — and it stuck.”
After a round of nominations, 12 members of the Triangle community were selected to receive $1,000 car care vouchers. Among them were individuals like Thagyan Moe, a Karen/Burmese interpreter for the Refugee Support Center in Carrboro; Mary Katherine Keyser, a local educator empowering students with learning differences; and Reverend Phyllis Cameron Rhone, a retired nurse who serves as the Pastor of Guilford Community Church.

“This year, I think we were able to strike a really great balance between having fun and doing good for the community,” said Pons. And after seeing the response from some of those selected for the car care vouchers, Pons was deeply touched. “The letters that we received from our community members are beautiful affirmations that we are on the right track. They lift the spirits of our whole team. It feels really good to use our God-given talents to help out members of our community, especially these folks who always give of themselves and never ask for anything in return.”
Videos announcing the people selected for vouchers were added to 12days.chapelhilltire.com from December 11-22. Please give the website a visit if you’d like to learn more about the amazing people chosen for this year’s 12 Days of Kindness.