Of all the values that the Chapel Hill Tire team lives by, Treating Each Other Like Family comes first. Because while we are striving for excellence, working on being grateful and helpful, saying yes to customers and each other, and winning as a team, it’s the family unit that ties us all together — and makes it possible for us to come to work each day with a smile on our faces, and leave knowing that we’ve done good in the world.
But what does it really mean when we say that Treating Each Other Like Family is a core value at Chapel Hill Tire?

Well, it starts with the way we treat each other, day in and day out. In a family, everybody has a role to play — and that means that we also share a mutual respect for the important jobs that everyone has to do, from the service counter to the technicians to management and maintenance. And when one of our CHT family members is having a tough time, we rally around to help them, reaffirming that they’re an integral part of this family unit.
In the past year, those qualities have led us to being recognized for three outstanding awards in our community: The “Best Places to Work” award from Triangle Business Journal, “Best in Chapel Hill” award from Chapel Hill Magazine, and a nomination for the Business Excellence Awards from the Chamber of Commerce. We really couldn’t have done it without the hard work and continuing efforts of every member of the Chapel Hill Tire staff.
But family doesn’t stop outside of our doors, either. It’s just as important to us to extend our sense of family into our community of customers and friends in the Triangle, through initiatives like our 12 Days of Kindness, making donations to local automotive programs, and giving back to the teachers that put so much effort into raising our kids right.
And we strive to treat everyone that comes into one of our Chapel Hill Tire locations like family, from the moment they walk in. By treating each other like family first, we set the tone for how every CHT team member treats our guests — with kindness, empathy, and a constant willingness to be grateful and helpful. After all, without our amazing customers and community members, Chapel Hill Tire wouldn’t be here in the first place.
So as we move into this holiday season, the entire Chapel Hill Tire team would like to take a moment to thank you for becoming part of our family. It means the world to us to have your support, and we’re so thankful for the opportunity to continue to become an even bigger and more essential part of the Triangle community.