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chapel hill tire store in raleigh

Now Available
Curbside Service

To protect our customers and community during the current crisis, we are now offering curbside service to anyone who would prefer to not come into our lobby.  It’s easy to use: Visit our online appointment scheduler  Under “Select Appointment Type,” choose “Curbside Service” Complete the form to make your appointment – be sure to list …

Picture of tires and wheels for an alignment, balance, or rotation

Tire Rotation, Tire Alignment, and Tire Balancing – What’s the Difference?

What is the Difference Between Tire Rotation, Wheel Alignment, and Tire Balancing? Tires can be costly and inconvenient to replace, which is why tire repairs and protections are so important. However, it can be difficult to distinguish between the various tire services and determine when you may need them. Your Chapel Hill Tire experts are …